About 30% of Crow Wing Power members participate in our controlled Load Management Programs saving them significant amounts of money in heating and cooling their homes.
Load Management
Load Management programs work by curtailing electric heat, air conditioning, irrigation and water heaters during high demand times to reduce power costs and keep rates low. Curtailing electric loads during high demand times also benefits the environment.
If you participate in an off-peak program, you can determine if load control will impact you today or tomorrow. Control times are approximate and subject to change, based on weather conditions and other variables that may affect the load change.
Site updated by 1:30 p.m. daily as needed.
Last updated 04/24/2024 11:22am
Program |
Control Possibility |
Control Times |
unlikely (04/24/24)
The control times shown above represent time frames when control is likely based upon our best projections using the information available to us. Control times may change as conditions warrant.
Learn More About Crow Wing Power’s Load Control Programs: