We work hard to keep rates affordable while committing to provide reliable electricity and excellent member service. 作为一个非盈利的合作社, our rates are designed simply to cover the costs of wholesale power, transmission and distribution related costs and adequate margins.
近年来, 乌鸦翼力 experienced significant benefits from growth and adjustments in its power portfolio, 使我们可以避免过去五年的任何利率变动.
然而, the Board of Directors recognizes the current economic challenges and has concluded that certain adjustments to rates will be essential in 2024 and beyond. 这一决定对满足合作社的需要至关重要, 确保持续的品质, 我们所依赖的服务的可靠性和安全性.
作为一个成本低廉的电力服务合作社, our members collectively contribute as both owners and patrons, 支付所提供服务的费用. 反过来, 当我们有超额利润的好年份时, money is returned to members as was the case in 2020 and 2021 with bill credits. 在通货膨胀时期,成本增加, it becomes necessary for members to collectively contribute to meet these elevated costs.
The chart below outlines the changes in rates effective March 1, 2024. Members will see the adjustment on their April bill for March's electric use.
The sample bill is provided with the calculated average at 860 kWh with new rate adjustment.
费率调整将于2024年3月1日生效. Members will see the adjustment on their April bill for March’s electric use.
乌鸦翼力’s Board of Directors has determined with today’s economic challenges a rate adjustment is necessary to meet the needs of the Cooperative and to ensure the continued quality, 安全, 服务的可靠性.
乌鸦翼力 is feeling the effects of escalating costs in equipment, 材料, 和服务, 影响我们的财务和运作. For instance, infrastructure material prices have surged by up to 90% in the last three years. To sustain the delivery of reliable electricity amidst these rising costs, 调整电费是必要的.
*如上文所述 11月CEO文章, >>Every nut, bolt and piece of equipment we use has dramatically jumped in price in three years, but we're really feeling the pressure on the common big ticket items. 例如, 我们在2020年支付了581美元的15kVA住宅间接电力, 1美元的价格几乎翻了一番,今年有153人. The big green padmount transformer boxes you see in yards that have underground electric service more than doubled from $1,011 to $2,在过去的三年里有80人. We ordered 400 annually so that one item alone has a big impact.
The chart below reflects the change in rates effective March 1, 2024, 对于我们最常见的费率类.
乌鸦翼力上次调整费率是在2018年, 当每月服务可用性费用增加2美元时.00.
How does 乌鸦翼力 compare to other Minnesota electric Cooperatives and utilities?
乌鸦翼力 rates are reasonable and in line with cooperatives across the State of Minnesota.
Why is energy sometimes less expensive with investor and municipal-owned utilities?
Electric cooperatives serve mainly rural areas that have only six to eight customers per mile, unlike municipal and investor-owned utilities which have higher density populations of 34 to 48 or more consumers to share in the cost of infrastructure.
A per kilowatt-hour adjustment to your bill due to changing wholesale power costs from 乌鸦翼力’s wholesale power providers. *夏季需求可能导致较高的PCA
这个电荷, 目前称为服务可用性费用, represents 乌鸦翼力’s cost of delivering electricity and maintaining equipment, 不管一个成员是否使用权力. 这就是我们在杆子上的投资, 电线, 变形金刚, 并为会员提供劳动用电服务. 它支持舰队, 设施, 以及会员服务功能, 例如中断响应, 行维护, 还有路权清理.
Nothing will affect the monthly process of how you pay your electric bill. 如果预算账单需要调整, the billing department can help members with those adjustments.
*如果你正在经历经济困难, call our Billing Department during business hours so we can review your options and direct you to agencies for help or assistance.
I only utilize power seasonally- can I disconnect my power and reconnect when I return?
乌鸦翼力, 像其他电力合作社和公用事业公司一样, 征收服务可用性费用或基本费用, that reflects the member’s share of fixed costs associated with 材料 and equipment installed and available for power. This ensures the continuous availability of essential services. 如果季节性中断,(less than 12 months) a reconnect fee plus the missed monthly service availability charges would be billed before reconnecting. Members save money by staying connected and incurring the monthly basic charge.
ladbrokes立博亚洲提供广泛的 项目 and technologies to help members manage electricity use and save money. Our Member Service Department can assist members and businesses with energy-saving 项目 and 退税. 我们鼓励会员浏览我们的节能网页 博客 简单的节能点子.
The Billing Department offers multiple ways to help manage your 权力法案,包括自动付款选项和预算计费.
What is 乌鸦翼力 doing to control spending and decrease costs?
乌鸦翼力, as a not-for-profit Cooperative, has consistently operated with slim profit margins. 帮助减少预算限制, we were able to prioritize work plans and postpone some projects. Staff and management has taken hard look at processes and moved some previously contracted services in house where possible.
The 2024 rate adjustment is geared toward preserving budget stability, 维护项目, and ensuring our members have the safe and reliable power we’ve come to expect. We’ve tried to anticipate what future years might look like in our planning, 但每年都会进行分析.
If you have questions or wish to speak directly to a Cooperative representative, call our office during regular business hours at 800-648-9401.